Parking restrictions on El Camino Real and College Avenue take effect

Published on April 18, 2022


The Middle Plaza at 500 El Camino Real project is nearing completion. One of its off-site improvements include modifications to the Middle Avenue and El Camino Real intersection. Improvements to this intersection include adding a new crosswalk on El Camino Real to complete the crosswalks, adding a new left-turn pocket into the project site and improving the project driveway.

As part of the new crosswalk, a new two-foot wide raised concrete median will be constructed to replace the existing flexible posts and provide better separation between opposing lanes of traffic. In order to fit this raised median, the on-street parking spaces along El Camino Real between Middle Avenue and College Avenue must be removed.

On March 8, the City Council approved these parking restrictions. To help reduce the parking impacts, the City Council also approved installing one-hour time limits on the first block of College Avenue. These time limits will encourage parking turnover so that vehicles are not parked in those spaces for several hours at a time and thereby freeing up parking availability. The median construction has started, and the parking restrictions on El Camino Real are now in effect.