Get ready to pedal into spring
Published on March 15, 2023
Spring is just around the corner, which means sunnier skies, warmer temperatures and longer days! For those who have been waiting all winter to get back to your bikes, this time of year can be an exciting one.
Inspect your bike
It’s a good idea to make sure your bike’s major components are in good shape. As a simple guideline, refer to the ABCs of bike inspection: air, brakes and chain. This means checking for properly inflated tires, smoothly functioning brakes and a well-lubricated chain. To increase your visibility to drivers, ensure all reflectors are in good condition and that all lights are shining brightly. Also check your helmet for cracks, dents, or other damage and replace if there’s any.
Get your bike a tune-up
Is your bike looking a little sad and in need of a pick-me-up? Perhaps it’s time for a tune-up! There is an endless supply of free or low-cost resources available online for you to conduct your own tune up, including checklists, classes and workshops, and instructional videos like those on REI’s Co-op YouTube channel. Local bike shops usually provide tune-up services for a modest price and provide a great way to meet other cyclists in your neighborhood!
Review Menlo Park’s bike map
Take a look at the map of bike routes throughout Menlo Park before your first spring ride so you know which roads will be most comfortable for you and your family. The map highlights any streets that are less preferable for cyclists due to high traffic volumes.
Be a responsible bike rider
Bike safety is more than just wearing a helmet. Like drivers, cyclists must obey motor vehicle laws. Always come to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights, travel in the direction of passing vehicles, obey the posted speed limit and avoid using your phone. Whenever possible, stick to bike lanes and routes instead of sidewalks to avoid conflicts with pedestrians and turning cars at intersections. If you choose to cross an intersection using a crosswalk, always dismount and walk your bike across. For your safety and peace of mind, remain alert to all users of the road, wear bright or reflective clothing and try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing an intersection.
Now grab your helmet, jump on your bike, and get back outdoors! We hope to see you around the Menlo Park community.