How to safely cross railroad tracks on a bicycle

Published on June 06, 2023

Biker infront of Caltrain train

If you live near downtown Menlo Park, your children have likely biked across Caltrain tracks on their way to school. These railroad crossings, such as those at Ravenswood Avenue, Oak Grove Avenue and Encinal Avenue, can pose a significant risk for bicycle riders if not treated with caution. Like other hazards on the road, bicyclists should equip themselves with the right knowledge to navigate them safely.

In this article, we will discuss valuable tips to help you and your family safely approach and cross railroad tracks, keeping you on your bicycling journey.

  • Approach slowly: Reduce your speed as you approach the tracks, giving yourself time to assess the crossing and identify the best path across.
  • Be aware of warnings: Look and listen for trains. Keep an eye out for lowering gates, flashing lights and/or ringing bells indicating an approaching train. If any of these warning signals are active, do not attempt to cross the tracks until the train has passed or the warnings are deactivated.
  • Check for oncoming trains: Before crossing, always look to your left and right to make sure no trains are approaching. Even if no warning signals are active, a train could still be coming from either direction, and they will sound their horn as an additional safety measure.
  • Cross at right angles: To avoid getting your wheels caught between rails, always aim to cross tracks directly at a 90-degree angle. Try to cross using the smoothest path available, avoiding any bumps, cracks and debris on the pavement.
  • "Unweight" your bicycle: Just before crossing the tracks, gently lift your weight from your bike saddle. This will allow your bicycle to cross more smoothly and reduce the chance of your wheels getting stuck in the tracks.
  • Beware of wet tracks: Railroad tracks can become slippery when wet, creating an especially hazardous situation. Exercise extra caution during rainy weather and consider walking your bike across the rails.
  • Take your time: Never race the train to the crossing or travel along the tracks.

Safety tips from the Alameda County's Rail Safety Program.

The City of Menlo Park is also studying the possibility of implementing a Caltrain Quiet Zone. Besides reducing noise pollution caused by train horns, this project would upgrade existing crossings to be safer for bicyclists and pedestrians through gate upgrades, sidewalk realignments, new signage and pavement striping. Crossings that would be upgraded as part of this project include those at Encinal Avenue, Glenwood Avenue, Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park Station (pedestrian crossing) and Ravenswood Avenue.

Remember that safely crossing railroad tracks on a bicycle requires your full attention. However, by following the above tips, you will significantly reduce your risk of accidents, falls and injuries. Always remember to prioritize your safety over convenience and stay alert to your surroundings as you approach railroad tracks.

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