Plan your school travel: Walk, roll, bus or carpool to school!

Published on August 02, 2023

School bus parked by bushes and autumn colored trees

The Menlo Park Safe Routes to School program has developed many resources for families and educators to help plan ahead for school travels and learn about bicycle and pedestrian safety:

Walk and Roll map:

Each school in Menlo Park has a “Walk and Roll map” that shows suggested walking or biking routes to school to help you plan ahead your travel to school.

Pedestrian Safety Curriculum for Elementary Schools:

All interested elementary schools receive a kit to teach pedestrian safety during PE classes. For more information, contact

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Handbook:

The Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Handbook is a resource to help understand the California state laws that specify pedestrian and bicyclist rights and responsibilities. The handbook contains the rules of the road, safety tips, and examples from local streets in the Menlo Park area. Available online at

Walk & Roll Activity Book: Walking and Biking Safety Tips.

Parents: Use this guide to begin or continue talking with your child about and help them think through smart, lifelong walking and rolling safety behaviors.

Is your child ready to walk or bike to school alone?

Depending on the age and experience level of your child, you may opt to accompany them on their trip or walk or ride in a group, joining a Walking School Bus or Bike Bus. Walking school buses and bike buses are similar. A group of students walk or bike to school together under the supervision of adults (parents or guardians) on a designated route and schedule. If your child is walking or biking alone, remember to develop a plan with them in case of an incident while traveling to school.

Before walking alone to school, students should be confident in:

  • Following walking rules
  • Looking left, right, and behind before crossing at corners
  • Following traffic signals

  • Using paths and sidewalks, where provided
Walking predictably 
  • Walking (no running) to cross the street

  • Watching for cars turning or pulling out of driveways
  • Having a safety plan

  • Staying aware

  • No texting or talking on cell phones while walking
  • No listening to music with headphones while walking
  • Following biking rules

Before biking alone, students should be confident in:

  • Riding on the right side with traffic
  • Stopping at stop signs and look left, right, and behind
  • Using proper hand signals when turning
  • Riding predictably
  • Not swerving in and out of cars
  • Making eye contact with drivers at intersections
  • Riding in a single file line when biking in groups
  • Having a safety plan
  • Staying aware
  • Not texting or talking on cell phones while biking
  • Not listening to music with headphones while biking
  • Having the right gear
  • Wearing a helmet
  • Having air in the tires and check brakes
  • Having white lights in the front and red lights in the rear of the bike
Happy Back to School!