Help Menlo Park remain a Bicycle Friendly Community

Published on October 04, 2023

People riding bikes

The City of Menlo Park recently applied to renew their Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) status from the League of American Bicyclists! As part of their review process, the League wants your input on bicycling in Menlo Park.

What is a Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC)?
A BFC provides safe infrastructures for bicycling and encourages residents to bike to work, to school, to the park, the store, and so on. The BFC program offers a 5 E Framework – Equity & Accessibility, Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Evaluation & Planning, to help cities improve the conditions of bicycling. Since 2003, over 860 cities in the United States have applied to the BFC status.
Please take a few minutes to share your feedback via the following public survey:

English Survey
Encuesta en Español

This survey is open to anyone familiar with bicycling in Menlo Park!

The survey will remain open through Friday, Oct. 20.