Next SRTS meeting: Goal Setting Workshop for the SRTS Program

Published on August 07, 2024


The next Safe Routes to School Task Force meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 5 from 9 – 10:30 a.m. You can attend this meeting in person or virtually. This first meeting of the school year will include a workshop to identify goals and milestones for the Safe Routes to School program.

The SRTS Task Force meets quarterly and convenes representatives from the four school districts and schools, Menlo Park and Atherton police departments, city and county public works departments, San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, San Mateo County Office of Education, local organizations and parents to discuss challenges around walking and biking to school and share ideas and opportunities for the Safe Routes to School program. Task Force meetings are open to the public.

If you are interested in joining or learning more, please reach out to Safe Routes to School Coordinator Andre-Anne Cadieux at

Date: Thursday, Sept. 5

Where: In-person at Menlo Park City Hall, 701 Laurel Street, Room Downtown

Join virtually via Zoom here