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July 31, 2024, 05:00 PM
Notice of City Council Public Hearing to consider General Plan Land Use Map amendment and rezonings for parcels at 687 Bay Rd. and 512 Durham St. for consistency with the adopted 2023- 2031 Housing Element – February 13, 2024
The City of Menlo Park, California City Council will hold a public hearinga teleconference meeting (virtual and in Menlo Park City Council Chambers located at 751 Laurel St., Menlo Park, California) on Feb. 13, 2024, beginning at 6 p.m. or as near as possible thereafter, to review and consider, pursuant to MPCC Section 16.86.025, of the Planning Commission’s recommendation on the following item:
General Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Rezonings/City of Menlo Park/Housing Element Update Project:
The City of Menlo Park is proposing to amend the General Plan Land Use Map and zoning map to create consistent zoning for two sites associated with the 2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element General Plan amendments adopted by City Council on Nov. 28, 2023, and zoning-related amendments adopted on Dec. 5, 2023. The proposed changes are intended to create uniform zoning and assist in providing capacity to meet the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (“RHNA”) of 2,946 dwelling units, and are generally summarized below.
General Plan land use map
Amendment to change the land use designation for Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 062-205-170 (512 Durham Ave.) from Residential Low Density to Retail/Commercial. The parcel is currently utilized for circulation and parking as part of a nonresidential development at 812 Willow Rd., zoned C-MU (Neighborhood Mixed Use).
Zoning map
- Amendment to rezone APN 062-205-170 from R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) to C-MU (Neighborhood Mixed Use) to locate the development at 812 Willow Rd. within a single zoning district allowing mixed uses; and
- Amendment to rezone a portion of the split-zoned parcel for APN 062-062-230 (687 Bay Rd.) from R-1-U to C-MU so that the entire parcel is within the C-MU zoning district, which allows mixed uses.
The proposed amendments are consistent with Housing Element Program H4.I to allow residential development opportunities in existing nonresidential zoning districts. The proposed changes were evaluated in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (“SEIR”) and an addendum prepared for the Housing Element; Safety Element Update; and a new Environmental Justice Element for the City’s General Plan; and associated General Plan, El Camino Real/Downtown Specific Plan (“Specific Plan”), Zoning Ordinance, and zoning map amendments. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 6808 and certified the SEIR on Jan. 31, 2023.
On Jan. 8, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to review the proposed General Plan Land Use Map amendment and rezonings and provided a recommendation that the City Council not adopt the proposed amendments by a vote of 5-0-1 (Commissioner Barnes absent).
Please refer to the Housing Element Update project webpage ( for additional information and announcements, and to sign up for the project email list.
Si usted necesita más información sobre este proyecto, por favor llame al 650-330-6702, y pregunte por un asistente que hable español.
Visit the City’s website at for the City Council meeting agenda and links to the public meeting staff report.