No longer on display. Expired on
February 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
The Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on these items in a hybrid format via Zoom and at the City Council Chambers located at 751 Laurel St., on August 28, 2023, beginning at 7 p.m. or as near as possible thereafter, at which time and place interested persons may appear and be heard thereon. The Zoom link will be available with publication of the Planning Commission agenda, on the city website at, not less than 72 hours in advance of the meeting. If you challenge these items in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Menlo Park at, or before, the public hearing. Written correspondence is typically considered a public record and may be attached to staff reports, which are posted on the city website.
Visit the city website for the Planning Commission agenda, public hearing and staff report information.
Public Hearing items
Use Permit/Caitlin Darke and Peter Hartwell/1310 Bay Laurel Drive:
Request for a use permit to construct a new two-story, single-family residence with a basement on a vacant, substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-S (Single Family Suburban Residential) zoning district. The project includes an attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) which is a permitted use and not subject to discretionary review.
Use Permit/Siva Singaram/711 Central Avenue:
Request for a use permit to demolish an existing single-story, single-family residence and construct a new two-story, single-family residence on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban) zoning district. The proposal includes an attached accessory dwelling unit which is not subject to discretionary review.
Use Permit/Chris Kummerer/1350 Delfino Way:
Request for a use permit to construct first- and second-story additions and interior alterations to an existing nonconforming one-story, single-family residence on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot depth in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The proposed work would exceed 50 percent of the replacement value of the existing nonconforming structure in a 12-month period. The proposal includes an attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU), which is not subject to discretionary review.
Use Permit/Mike Ma/2035 Santa Cruz Avenue:
Request for a use permit to demolish an existing one-story, single-family residence and detached garage, and construct a new two-story, single-family residence on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width and area in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The proposal includes an attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU), which is not subject to discretionary review.
Public Meeting item
Architectural Control/Kevin Deng/750 Menlo Avenue:
Request for architectural control for exterior modifications to an existing three-story office building, in the SP-ECR-D (El Camino Real/Downtown Specific Plan) zoning district. The proposed project would include a new rooftop deck; there would be no increase of gross floor area as part of the project.