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This log does not list all calls for police services.
The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.
Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.
All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
00:29 Drug Activity
Case #24-2790/2412200001
Officer Barrientos
1100 block Alpine Av, Menlo Park
Tookes, Donny dob 06/02/71 BMA out of Menlo Park was arrested and booked into County Jail for 30305(A)(1) PC, 11377(A) HS and 11364(A) HS.
Disposition: Arrest
03:13 Burglary
Case #24-2791/2412200006
Officer Nesson
800 block Santa Cruz Av, Menlo Park
An unknown suspect(s) made entry into a business.
Disposition: Report Taken
14:13 Welfare Check
Case # 24-2792/2412200049
Officer Venzon
200 Block McKendry Dr, Menlo Park
Garcia, Omar dob 08/15/03 HMA out of Hayward was arrested and booked into County Jail for 647(f) PC, 148(A) PC, and a warrant out of Kern County Sheriff for $40,000 for 496D(A)PC, 10851(A) VC and 452(D) PC.
Disposition: Arrest
16:22 Mental Evaluation
Case #24-2793/2412200056
Officer Garcia
500 block Oak Grove Av, Menlo Park
Howard, Leroy dob 02/03/1976, BMA out fo East Palo Alto was arrested, cited and released for 11364 HS.
Disposition: Arrest
16:22 Mental Evaluation
Case #24-2793/2412200056
Officer Garcia
500 block Oak Grove Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
13:24 Petty Theft
Case #24-2795/2412200042
Officer Venzon
400 block Laurel Av, Menlo Park
Package theft.
Disposition: Report Taken
22:36 Spousal Abuse
Case #24-2796/2412200081
Officer Hardaway
500 block Glenwood Av, Menlo Park
AragonHernandez, Jonathan dob 08/29/1995, HMA transient was arrested and booked into CJ for 273.5 PC, 236 PC 11377 HS and a $10,000 warrant out of Redwood City PD for 148.9(A) PC, 14601.2(A) VC, 14601.5(B) VC, 11377(A) HS
Disposition: Arrest