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This log does not list all calls for police services.
The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.
Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.
All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
08:34 Petty Theft
Case #25-452/2502240022
CSO Mortimer
3600 Block Haven Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
08:34 Petty Theft
Case #25-453/2502240023
CSO Mortimer
3600 Block Haven Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
08:32 Warrant Arrest
Case #25-454/2502240021
Officer Pulido
1300 Block Madera Av, Menlo Park
GarciaBarron, Jose dob 07/28/1986, HMA out of EPA was arrested and booked into CJ for a $60,000 warrant out of EPAPD for 487(A) PC.
Disposition: Arrest
10:48 Property for Destruction
Case #25-455/2502240034
Officer Navas
00 block Meta Way, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
11:33 Fraud
Case #25-456/2502240044
Corporal Fliege
1200 block Madera Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
11:53 Found Property
Case #25-457/2502240045
CSO Mortimer
1500 block Willow Rd, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
12:31 Mental Evaluation
Case #25-458/2502240049
Officer Venzon
Hoover St/Oak Grove Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
13:26 Information
Case #25-459/2502240056
Officer Pulido
200 block Newbridge St, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
15:21 Warrant Confirmation Request
Case #25-460/2502240067
700 block Laurel St, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
16:04 Assault with Deadly Weapon
Case #25-461/2502240070
Officer Navas
1100 block Alpine Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
15:35 Fraud
Case #25-462/2502240068
Officer Lewis
1400 block Sage St, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
18:03 Petty Theft
Case #25-463/2502240079
Officer Mera
500 block El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Vasquez, Victor dob 04/02/1975 HMA transient was arrested and booked into CJ for 459.9 (A) pc.
Disposition: Arrest
20:25 Hit and Run w/Prop Damage
Case #25-464/2502240090
Officer Nesson
00 block El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken