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This log does not list all calls for police services.
The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.
Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.
All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
08:23 Grand Theft
Case #25-318/2502080011
Officer Pulido
500 block Santa Cruz Av, Menlo Park
A report was taken for theft of an electric bicycle.
Disposition: Report Taken
11:52 Drug Activity
Case #25-319/2502080028
Detective Mazon
Bay Rd/Del Norte Av, Menlo Park
Lopezfarjardo, Juan dob 07/04/1977 HMA was arrested, cited and released for 11377 HS.
Disposition: Arrest
12:11 Warrant Arrest
Case #25-320/2502080029
Officer Navas
Bayfront Ex/Chilco St, Menlo Park
Penisini, Samuel dob 02/10/1983 OMA out of Hayward was arrested and booked into County Jail on a no bail warrant out of San Mateo County SO.
Disposition: Arrest
14:56 Domestic Disturbance
Case #25-321/2502080037
Officer Navas
1300 block Madera Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
20:14 Warrant Confirmation Request
Case #25-322/2502080053
700 block Laurel St, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
21:34 Petty Theft
Case #25-323/2502080056
Sergeant Russell
600 block Santa Cruz Av, Menlo Park
A report was taken for theft of miscellaneous items from a business.
Disposition: Report Taken