Information Technology


Information Technology is an internal service division that serves the information technology needs of the organization's departments. IT is responsible for enterprise-wide communication and information technology services.

Business systems

Provides technology services for enterprise and departmental applications with the goal of meeting their technology requirements for providing municipal services to the community.

Network services

Develops and maintains a dependable network infrastructure for the organization to provide a solid foundation for application software and automated technologies.

Office automation

Administers email systems, including anti-virus programs and file servers.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Responsible for managing and operating the City’s comprehensive geographic information system program, which includes the City's Enterprise GIS and the publicly accessible Open Data Portal. IT administers GIS and geospatial data support for the City to collaborate with neighboring municipalities, counties, and public agencies. Within the City of Menlo Park, several City departments and programs utilize GIS to enhance public infrastructure, increase available services, and provide information to residents of its surrounding communities. 

GIS Map Viewer           GIS Hub Site


Client services

Maintains and repairs all City desktop equipment and software and operates the organization's computer help desk.

Public safety systems

Provides technology support to the Police Department. Manages and maintains all public safety projects, including computer aided dispatch, records management systems, radios, mobile data computers, desktop computers, laptops and other related public safety electronics.

Telephone support

Provides services for telephones and wireless devices to city departments and facilities.

Contact us

Danny Daniels

I.T. Manager 
