Climate Action Plan


The purpose of the Climate Action Plan(PDF, 873KB) is to present researched strategies that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions originating in Menlo Park, based on the findings of the city's greenhouse gas emissions inventory analysis which is completed annually.

The plan provides strategies that may be implemented over the next few years by the city, its residents, and its businesses.

The Climate Action Plan will be updated yearly as research continues to provide more emissions reduction data and as new technologies arise and economic conditions change. 

Climate Action Plan goals

2030 Climate Action Plan goals
CAP Strategy No. 1 -  Explore policy/program options to convert 95% of existing buildings to all-electric by 2030
CAP Strategy No. 2 - Set citywide goals for increasing electric vehicles to 100% of new vehicles by 2025 and decreasing gasoline sales 10% a year from a 2018 baseline
CAP Strategy No. 3 - Expand access to electric vehicle (EV) charging for multifamily and commercial properties
CAP Strategy No. 4 - Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by 25% or an amount recommended by the Complete Streets Commission
CAP Strategy No. 5 - Eliminate the use of fossil fuels from municipal operations
CAP Strategy No. 6 - Develop a climate adaption plan to protect the community from sea level rise and flooding

Climate Action Plan milestones

Year Description
2024  Adoption of implementation scope of work for 2025-2030 
2024  Progress report on implementing the 2030 Climate Action Plan
2023  Progress report on implementing the 2030 Climate Action Plan
2022  Briefing on 2030 Climate Action Plan Strategies No. 1, 3, and 5
2021  Progress report on climate action plan, reporting methodology and goals


City adopts sustainable green fleet policy
2020 Reach code implementation requires electrification in new buildings
 2020 Update Climate Action Plan adopted 
 2019 Declaration of Climate Emergency 
2017 City adopts community zero waste plan
2017 New zoning ordinances include green sustainable building requirements
2016 Electric vehicle charger installations for Civic Center and downtown Parking Plaza 2
2016 City Council approves of Caltrain Go Pass for city staff
2015 Solar photovoltaic installations completed at the Arrillaga Family Gymnastics Center, Civic Center parking lot (solar carport), Arrillaga Family Gymnasium and City Corporation Yard
2015 New energy monitoring system installed at city hall and library
2015 New chillers and variable frequency drive system installed at city hall and library
2015 Variable frequency drive systems installed in Burgess Pool
2013 City adopts 27% greenhouse gas reduction target
2009 City adopts Climate Action Plan
2005 Menlo Park completes baseline greenhouse gas inventory

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Sustainability Office
