Documents associated with a complete plan submittal

This section describes the minimum information required for a complete submittal in order to issue a construction permit. Requirements may vary by project based on the specifics of each application. Please provide additional construction details and/or information beyond those specified below in order to demonstrate compliance with the current municipal code and California’s building codes. Items marked with an asterisk (*) might not be required for residential projects.

If a project has received a use permit or variance from the Planning Division, the applicant is strongly encouraged to provide written documentation demonstrating compliance with all of the conditions associated with the project.

Please review the applicable building permit submittal requirements for your specific project type (e.g., residential new home, residential addition of 500 square feet or greater, etc.). The information below is intended to list the required submittal items that contain the necessary information for staff to complete its review. Applicants are encouraged to review the general submittal requirements and project information with staff from the Building, Planning and Engineering divisions before formal submittal of a complete building permit application.