Documents associated with a complete plan submittal

This section describes the minimum information required for a complete submittal in order to issue a construction permit. Requirements may vary by project based on the specifics of each application. Please provide additional construction details and/or information beyond those specified below in order to demonstrate compliance with the current municipal code and California’s building codes. Items marked with an asterisk (*) might not be required for residential projects.

If a project has received a use permit or variance from the Planning Division, the applicant is strongly encouraged to provide written documentation demonstrating compliance with all of the conditions associated with the project.

Please review the applicable building permit submittal requirements for your specific project type (e.g., residential new home, residential addition of 500 square feet or greater, etc.). The information below is intended to list the required submittal items that contain the necessary information for staff to complete its review. Applicants are encouraged to review the general submittal requirements and project information with staff from the Building, Planning and Engineering divisions before formal submittal of a complete building permit application.

Plan set

Includes architectural, MEP, structural and information from other various disciplines demonstrating compliance to the jurisdictional ordinances, standards and regulations governing construction within Menlo Park city limits. For those without a CAD program, editable PDF and Word example plan sets can be found here.

Project information on cover sheet

Please list the following information on the first sheet of the plans:

  1. Project owner’s name and address, and vicinity map.
  2. Scope of work reflecting that in permit application. Ensure to include the major non-structural and structural elements.
  3. Building occupancy group per California Building Code Chapter 3.
  4. Type of construction per California Building Code Chapter 6.
  5. Number of floors, for both existing and proposed structures.
  6. Fire sprinklers existing Yes/No
  7. Sheet index with page numbers and sheet titles.
  8. Square footage of the entire parcel.
  9. Maximum allowable square footage (floor area limit “FAL” or floor area ratio “FAR” based on the zoning ordinance).
  10. Existing and proposed square footage (floor area or gross floor area “GFA,” as applicable)
  11. Square footage of all existing and/or proposed structures by floor including basements.
  12. Square footage of all existing and/or proposed porches, patios, and decks whether they are to be covered or uncovered.
  13. List of applicable codes: 2022 California Building (Residential), Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Energy, CALGreen and Menlo Park Municipal Codes.
  14. Flood zone information.

Site plan

Please show the following details on the site plan:

  1. North arrow
  2. Scale length of drawing
  3. All existing street improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, street trees)
  4. Location of, and distance to, the closest fire hydrant(s)
  5. Location of the electrical, fuel gas, water and sewer utility points of connection
  6. Name and location of all adjacent streets
  7. Location of all existing and proposed structures on the subject parcel and any immediately adjacent parcel(s). (Including garages or carports, sheds, arbors, patios, decks, swimming pools and spas, etc.). Distinguish between what currently exists and what is proposed. If the existing structure does not comply with the current zoning ordinance requirements, a conditional use permit may be required depending on the scope of the project. Please review the Planning Division's nonconforming structures(PDF, 1MB) handout for more information.
  8. Identify all trees with a diameter of 6 inches or greater and list species.
  9. Please review the city heritage tree requirements to determine the necessary tree protection measures, or if any heritage tree removal permits are required. Please note: If construction is proposed within the drip line of a heritage tree, then an arborist report will be required to assess possible impacts and to identify mitigation measures to reduce impacts to the tree(s).
  10. Dimensions of the following:
    1. Property lines
    2. Distances between the property lines and the existing and proposed structures
    3. Distance between structures
    4. Exterior wall lengths of all structures on the property
  11. Entire parcel with all property lines and easement lines and dimensions
  12. Drainage patterns and topography if site slope influences the foundation

Boundary and topographic survey

In general, construction of a new home requires a boundary and topographic survey, and additions and interior remodels require surveys based on the specifics of each project. Please review the Planning Division handout for boundary and topographic survey submittal criteria(PDF, 158KB) to determine if your project requires a boundary and topographic survey.

If a boundary and topographic survey is required for your project, please ensure that the submitted survey adheres to the boundary and topographic survey requirements(PDF, 261KB).

Demolition page

Please include the following details and information in the demolition page within the plans:

  1. Information related to demolition of a structure
  2. Existing structural elements, walls and partitions to be removed
  3. Bracing design to support existing structural elements that are to remain
  4. Existing siding, windows, doors, fixed cabinetry, shelving, fixtures and finishes to be removed

Floor plans

Please show the following in the floor plans:

  • Intended use, occupancy, and dimensions of existing and proposed rooms
  • Location and dimensions of all doors, windows, cabinets, fixtures, etc.
  • Interior garage dimensions
  • Proposed finishes

Floor area and building coverage diagrams

Projects that are adding floor area or gross floor area are required to provide calculation diagrams. Please provide an additional sheet with square footage diagrams overlaid on the floor plan/site plan. Both building coverage and floor area (or gross floor area for multifamily residential, commercial and industrial projects) may be identified on the same floor plan; however, please clearly distinguish the building coverage only polygons from the floor area limit (or gross floor area) polygons with specific hatching. To ensure a complete submittal, please review the Planning Division's floor area and building coverage diagram(PDF, 470KB) handout. While the handout is focused on single-family residential projects, the guidance can be adapted to multifamily and commercial projects as well.

Roof plans

Please show the following details in the roof plans:

  1. Footprint of proposed and existing structure
  2. Proposed and existing hip and ridges
  3. Direction of the slopes of the roof
  4. Location of all skylights, chimneys and vent terminals
  5. Calculation for roof venting and the location and size of the vents
  6. Specification of roofing material
  7. If new rooftop equipment is proposed, please identify the location, height, proposed screening and noise rating

Exterior elevations

Please show the following details in the elevation plans:

  1. All new exterior building elevations and/or proposed changes to existing exterior building elevations including all dormers, balconies, windows, doors and roof pitches
  2. Exterior finishes, including existing finishes and proposed finishes
  3. Represent the daylight plane if required by the zoning district. Please review the single-family and R-2 guidelines(PDF, 146KB) for more information regarding daylight plane requirements
  4. Existing and finished grade on all elevations of structures
  5. Height above finished grade and average natural grade of all floors, eaves and ridges
  6. Height of chimney above roof areas within 10 feet of chimney

Building sections

  1. The dimension of ceiling heights from finish floor to bottom of ceiling joist
  2. The attic dimension measured from top of ceiling joist to bottom of roof sheathing
  3. Existing and proposed insulation in walls with R values
  4. The height of the finished floor above average grade

Structural submittal

  1. Foundation plan
    1. Locations, types, dimensions and reinforcement of the existing and proposed foundation type(s)
    2. Locations of all anchor bolts and hold downs for new foundations
  2. Floor, Ceiling and Roof framing plans
    1. All framing member sizes including size and type of mud sill
    2. Calculation for under floor venting and the location and size of the vents
    3. Locations of all shear walls
    4. Nailing schedule for all diaphragms
    5. Location of all straps.
  3. Structural details showing all connections and construction details to demonstrate vertical/lateral load transfer from the roof, through the walls and down to the foundation.
  4. Structural calculations to substantiate the building elements supporting expected vertical and lateral loading.

Mechanical plans

Please show the following details in the mechanical submittal:

  1. Location and support for all HVAC equipment
  2. Location and size of all ducts and registers and label all ducts and registers*
  3. All ducts and registers support details*
  4. Duct size and structural support calculations*

Electrical plans

Please show the following details in the electrical submittal:

  1. Location of all electrical outlets and switches
  2. Location of all fixed lighting
  3. Location of all electrical panels and meter
  4. Line diagram of wiring including circuit, wire size and type*
  5. Size and type of conduit if being used*
  6. All wire and conduit support and trench details*
  7. Load and voltage drop calculations*

Plumbing plans

Please show the following details in the plumbing submittal:

  1. Location, size, and type of all drain waste and vent pipes*
  2. Location, size, and type of all water supply pipes*
  3. Location, size, and type of all gas pipes
  4. Location, size and type of water heater
  5. All pipes support and trench details
  6. Gas and water supply pipe size calculation
  7. Location and size of gas meter, sewer utility and cleanout

Title 24 energy documents

Title 24 Energy calculations analyze a proposed construction project for compliance to criteria established in the 2022 California Energy Code. Energy calculations and completed compliance forms (e.g., CF1R, etc.) shall be signed and registered with the State authority.

Water efficient landscape requirements

View the Engineering Division's water efficient landscape ordinance guidelines and requirements for single-family homes.  


Green building (CALGreen) requirements

The California Green Building Standards Code compliance checklist must be printed on the plans. The checklist is available online.  


Geologist report

A geologist report analysis or soils report considers the soil type and makes recommendation for construction of the proposed project, re-compaction of soil around excavated areas, drainage around the proposed project, and drainage for the site to mitigate adverse soil conditions. When a soils report is required, the applicant must provide verification from the geotechnical engineer that they have has reviewed the structural plans, details and calculations, and that the plans are in conformance with the recommendations. The geotechnical engineer must respond in writing to any applicable plan review comments made by the City’s geotechnical consultant. Soils reports shall be stamped and signed by a registered civil or geotechnical engineer.

Engineering Division requirements

The Engineering Division reviews building permit applications for compliance with the city stormwater, grading and drainage, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and related requirements. For a complete list of Engineering Division requirements for single-family residential development projects, please visit the single-family home projects webpage. 

To assist applicants developing multifamily, commercial or industrial projects, the Engineering Division has prepared an additional set of requirements specifically for those projects. 

Staff recommends that applicants review their projects with the Engineering Division to ensure that submittals are comprehensive to facilitate an efficient plan check review process.

* Might not be required for single-family residential projects. Please discuss with the Building Division.

Arborist report

An arborist report is a document that evaluates the potential impact of a proposed construction project on the health of an existing tree. An arborist report will be required when a proposed construction project is within proximity to a heritage tree, as defined by municipal code Chapter 13.24

The report shall include the following:

  1. Coversheet
    1. Date report was written.
    2. Name and address of property owner and/or representative when applicable.
    3. Site address
    4. Name of reporting arborist and ISA certification number and/or ASCA registration number.
    5. Address, phone number and email address of reporting arborist
    6. State the purpose of the report.
  2. Site plan
    1. Improvements (sewer, water, electrical, communications)
    2. Grading (excavation, cut and fill)
    3. Building footprint(s) accurately located
    4. Trees numbered, identified and accurately located
    5. Driplines accurately plotted
    6. Indicate trees to be removed
    7. Indicate tree protection barriers or other tree protection measures
  3. Tree assessment and inventory chart
    1. Trees identified by common and botanical name
    2. Trunk diameter measured at 4.5 feet above grade (multistem trunks measured directly below attachment)
    3. Canopy radius at its widest from base of tree.
    4. Tree height
    5. Indicate whether a Heritage tree is to be preserved or removed
    6. Briefly evaluate the condition of each tree in terms of hazard, health and structure.
  4. Tree preservation plan
    1. List trees to be preserved.
    2. Describe tree protection/preservation measures before, during and after construction

An on-site arborist is to be designated who will have the responsibility and authority to insure that the instructions for tree protection are properly executed. A copy of the agreement between the owner/contractor and the designated site arborist is to be included with the survey.

Anyone wanting to remove a heritage tree, or prune more than one-fourth of the canopy and/or roots, must apply for a city permit. The application includes a form to be completed by a certified arborist.

Elevation certificate (flood areas only)

The elevation certificate is Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Form 81-31 and is to be completed by a licensed land surveyor or civil engineer to certify the following required elevation information:

  • The property owner’s name 
  • The property’s complete street address 
  • The lot and block number
  • The base flood elevation
  • The top of bottom floor of the existing buildings.
  • The top of next highest floor of the existing buildings. 
  • The lowest adjacent grade
  • The highest adjacent grade