Revisions to issued permits

The Building Division is accepting electronic applications for revisions to issued permits.

Please note: These procedures are distinct from those for resubmittals, which are for responses to projects that are still under staff review. Please see the resubmittals section for instructions on that process.

Customers need to be registered for an account at the online permit portal.

Screenshot of ACA site registration links

  • Customer logs into the online permit portal, clicks on the "My Records" header, and goes to the applicable record(s):

Screenshot of ACA

  • If customer does not see the permit under the My Records header (perhaps because it was submitted before the City accepted online applications, or because customer was added to the project team after the record was originally submitted), please contact the Permit Team with all permit/account details in order to be retroactively associated to the record. Please include all relevant documentation of association with that record
  • On the individual record, scroll to the bottom and click "Create Revision":

Screenshot of ACA Create Revision button

  • Follow all prompts to provide a narrative description of the Revision and upload any files necessary for its review. All documents shall follow the required file specifications.  
  • Please note:
    • The Revision record will have its own REV### record number, which exists for the purposes of reviewing the Revision itself
    • All fees/inspections remain on the main, "parent" record
    • No fees are required upon submittal of a Revision, but will be charged afterward, based on the plan check review time; payment of all outstanding Revision fees is required before a project can receive its final inspection