Kitchen remodel requirements


  1. New environmental air ducts, vents and exhaust ducts shall not terminate less than 3 feet from a property line or opening into the building; and shall also be located at least 10 feet from a forced air inlet. CMC 502.2.1
  2. If proposed, a new kitchen exhaust fan shall be comply with the minimum exhaust rates prescribed in CMC Table 403.7


  1. Kitchen receptacle shall comply with the following requirements:
    1. Those serving kitchen counter tops shall be GFCI/AFCI protected and tamper resistant. CEC 210.8(A)(6), 210.12(A) and 406.12
    2. For kitchen and dining area counter spaces wider than 12,” no such point along the counter wall shall be over 24” from a receptacle. CEC 210-52(c)
    3. Countertop receptacles shall be located no more than 18” above the counter surface, and cannot be installed face-up. CEC 210-8(a) (7) and 210-52(c) (5)
    4. A kitchen island and/or peninsula counter shall have at least one receptacle mounted not more than 12” below the countertop, and shall not be located where the countertop extends more than 6” beyond its support base. CEC 210-52(c) (2), 210-52(c) (3), and 210-52(c) (5) exception
  2. Two or more small appliance branch circuits are required for the kitchen and are limited to supplying wall and counter space outlets for the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room or similar areas, including the refrigerator. Note: These circuits cannot serve outside plugs, range hood, disposals, dishwashers or microwaves. CEC 210-11(C)(1) and 210-52 (B)
  3. All knob and tube wiring that is exposed when walls are opened is to be removed back to the attic or under floor accessible spaces and spliced in a junction box with Romex, or other approved wiring method, to be run back to the original location. Knob and tube boxes must be replaced to accommodate new wiring type. If removal of wiring would necessitate opening of additional walls not in the scope of the work, and the wiring is in sound condition, then it may remain. Menlo Park requirement


  1. A proposed kitchen island sink requires an island fixture (i.e., loop) vent. CPC 909.
  2. Plumbing waste vents shall terminate not less than 10 feet from, or not less than 3 feet above, an openable window, door, opening, air intake or vent shaft, or not less than 3 feet in every direction from a lot line, alley and street excepted. CPC 906.2

T-24 Energy

  1. Recessed luminaries shall be IC- and AT- rated, accessible from below the ceiling and JA8 compliant. CA Energy Code 150.0(k)1C
  2. Most LED lighting is NOT high efficacy. All high efficacy lighting (fluorescent, LED) and GU-24 lamp holders shall be listed by Energy Commission and shall meet the requirement of Energy Code Table 150.0-A.


  1. Kitchen and utility faucets shall have a maximum flow rate of ≤1.8 gpm @ 60psi per CALGreen 4.303.1.


Kitchen alterations typically do not involve structural changes. However, the following shall be considered if applicable:

  1. Load bearing wall changes
  2. Specifications and details for new wall framing and top/sole plate connections
  3. Wider window openings