Encroachment permits

Encroachment permits are required whenever a property owner or contractor needs to perform work in the public right of way.

"No person shall perform any work, construct any facility, make any excavation or fill any excavation, store materials and/or vehicles in or upon any real property in which the City has an interest, whether by title, easement, right of way, license or otherwise, without first obtaining an encroachment permit to do so from the Public Works Director." - Municipal Code Section 13.18.020

Other activities requiring an encroachment permit include:

  • Installation, replacement or repair of sanitary sewer laterals or water service connections
  • Enlargement or replacement of driveway
  • Replacement of sidewalk, curb or gutter
  • Temporary storage of a debris box or moving container (including PODs)
  • Potholing

Encroachment permit applications available online

Encroachment permit applications are now only accepted via the city’s online permit portal. Please submit all applications and associated documents to the online portal. Once submitted Staff will process your application and respond to your request as soon as possible.

Payment will be issued after the application has been reviewed. For questions, please contact the Engineering Division.

To apply online

  1. Register for an account at the city’s online permit portal.
  2. At the home screen under "Public Works" tab, select "Create an Application."
  3. Review the terms and conditions before checking the consent box.
  4. Under "Select a Record Type," expand the "Public Works" tab. Select "Encroachment Permit" to start an application.

To view application status

  1. Go to the online permit portal.
  2. Toward the end of the webpage under Public Works, click "Search Application."
  3. Under General Search, find the Record Type section and select "Encroachment Permit."

Required items

  1. Fill out an encroachment permit application form(PDF, 147KB) online. 
  2. Submit a site specific sketch of the work proposed. Include street name labels, pertinent dimensions, and locations of permanent facilities such as joint poles and trees. If the construction activity is related to a development project, include a copy of the plans in lieu of a sketch.
  3. Submit a traffic control plan(PDF, 33KB). Include pedestrian and bicycle diversion, if applicable. For residential streets, a simplified traffic control plan may be applied. Contact staff for further information.
  4. Submit the appropriate fees, per the City's master fee schedule(PDF, 701KB). Additional fees may be required pending review of the permit submittal package.
  5. Proof of insurance. The City of Menlo Park’s officials, agents, employees, and contractors must be named as additional insured. 
  6. Contractors must have a Menlo Park business license.
  7. Contractors must have a State contractor’s license to work in the public right of way. Class A and C8 are the most common.
  8. Photographs of the construction area are helpful, but not required.
  9. City standard details
  10. A copy of the permit from the West Bay Sanitary District shall be submitted to the city before an encroachment permit for work in the public right of way can be issued for a sewer lateral replacement.
  11. Some projects will require a truck route permit to use local streets.

Please attach the required items as one document when submitting the encroachment permit application online.

Debris and storage box guidelines

Applicants are strongly encouraged to keep their debris/storage boxes on site. These permits can only be issued for a one-week duration or less. The $120/week plus 3% technology surcharge shall be applied.

Debris/storage boxes proposed to be placed on a collector or arterial street or local street with bike lane are subject to the additional approval of the transportation manager.

The debris/storage box cannot be located:

  • Within 50’ of an intersection curb return
  • Located or partially located in front of somebody else’s property
  • Within 20’ of a driveway
  • On a street where less than 10’ of asphalt pavement in each direction of travel will remain

The debris/storage box must be:

  • Located adjacent to the curb
  • 8’ or less in width
  • 25’ or less in length

Contact us

Jason Santos
Project Manager
