Consulting arborists

Company Contact person Phone
A Plus Tree, Inc. Kate LeGros 415-961-5047

Advanced Tree Care

Not accepting new clients

 Robert Weatherill  650-839-9539
Aesculus Arboricultural Consulting Katherine Naegele 408-675-1729
Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc. Doug Anderson 408-226-8733
Arbor Resources David Babby 650-654-3351

Arborist OnSite

For small non-development project applications with 1 to 3 trees only

Robert Booty 408-687-7710
Bartlett Tree Expert Co. Lee Nachtrieb 415-308-6617
Bay Tree Consulting Leo Tuchman 510-710-8465
Bo Firestone Trees & Gardens Bo Firestone 408-497-7158
CalTLC Gordon Mann 650-740-3461

Consulting Arborist Services

Katie Krebs is currently out of the office and is not accepting any work opportunities.

Katie Krebs 650-575-3200
Davey Resource Group Lori Murphy 916-899-7917
D.R. Tree Consulting Dustie Rushing 510-856-6629
Dryad, LLC Torrey Young 510-538-6000
Garden Guidance Ellyn Shea 415-846-0190
Heartwood Consulting Arborists Matthew F. 650-542-8733
HortScience | Bartlett Consulting
Darya Barar 925-750-4109
Kielty Arborist Services, LLC David Beckham 650-532-4418 
Kurt Fouts, Consulting Arborist Kurt Fouts 831-359-3607
Michelia Arboriculture Jennifer Tso 925-515-1362
Monarch Consulting Arborists, LLC Richard Gessner 831-331-8982
Monarch Landscape Amber Graves Alvares 925-519-7262
Mountain G. Enterprise, Inc. Danny Gilbert 916-661-1122
Ned Patchett Consulting, Inc. Ned Patchett 650-728-8308
Panoramic Design Group Maura Baldwin 650-367-3028
S.P. McClenahan Co and McClenahan Consulting LLC John McClenahan 650-326-8781
SavATree Klayton Soucy 831-747-4037
SBCA Tree Consulting Molly Batchelder 510-787-3075
The Arboreal Company Jonathan Maystrik 925-918-8733 
The Oakley Group, LLC Sam Oakley 415-407-6995
Tree Management Experts Roy Leggit 415-606-3610
Trees, Bugs, Dirt Michael Baefsky 925-254-7950
Urban Tree Management, Inc. Michael Young 650-321-0202
Walter Levison, Consulting Arborist Walter Levison 415-203-0990
Woodreeve Consutling, LLC John Leffingwell 510-387-5241
WRA Environmental Consultants Carla Angulo 415-524-7007