Water providers

Within the City of Menlo Park, there are four different water providers. Don’t know your water provider? Use the City’s interactive Water Providers Map:

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  • Menlo Park Municipal Water (MPMW) provides water to approximately 22,000 residents through 4,400 service connections within two service areas: the Upper Zone (providing water to the Sharon Heights area) and the Lower Zone (providing water to areas east of El Camino Real). MPMW purchases water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and is piped from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park to Menlo Park through the San Francisco Regional Water System. 
  • California Water Service (Cal Water) is a private water provider that provides water utility services to 8,798 addresses in Menlo Park in the Downtown and West Menlo service areas. Cal Water classifies this section of service area as the Bear Gulch district. Cal Water purchases 89% of their water supply from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the other 11% is sourced from a 1,200-acre watershed in the Woodside hills.
  • O'Connor Tract Co-Operative Water Company is a non-profit water supply company that provides water to specific regions of East Palo Alto and a small section of the willows neighborhood of Menlo Park. O’Connor Tract provides water utility services to 343 connections including 37 metered apartments. The system transports water from two deep water wells to a 100,000-gallon tank to distribute to customers. 
  • Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Company (PAPMWC) is a private water system that provides water utility services to small areas of East Palo Alto and less than ten addresses on Menalto Avenue in Menlo Park. PAPMWC sources its water from five deep water wells ranging in depth. This water is pumped and stored in two storage tanks with the capacity of 11,500 and 350,000 gallons.