The Chrysler Stormwater Pump Station is located at 1395 Chrysler Drive and drains approximately 297 surface acres in an area roughly bounded by Marsh Road, Bayfront Expressway, Chilco Street, and the Dumbarton railroad tracks. The existing facility is designed to discharge a 10-year rain event and consists of two pumps, a below-ground wet well, and a building that houses the pumps and electrical room. Stormwater is pumped to a Caltrans-owned ditch on the opposite side of Bayfront Expressway and empties into Flood Slough near the Bedwell Bayfront Park entrance. The pump station was built in 1958 and has reached the end of its useful life. The City is constructing a replacement pump station that could discharge a 100-year rain event. The new pump station is elevated two feet above the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated 100-year base flood elevation and includes three new, larger pumps designed to discharge flows associated with sea level rise in San Francisco Bay. This project is included in the City’s capital improvement program with partial funding from a $5 million federal FEMA grant. Construction commenced in May 2023 and is scheduled for completion in early 2025.
Kaila Jones
Project Manager