June events launch the annual Summer Reading Game
Published on June 06, 2022
The Summer Reading Game will challenge you to track your reading, discover great books, experience community activities and earn awesome prizes. Multiple studies have shown reading for fun during the summer months helps children retain and improve their reading proficiency when they are away from the classroom and not participating in formal literacy programs. Take part this summer, the Summer Reading Game is open to all ages and everyone can play along.
Everyone who reaches their reading goal by Aug. 31 will win a free book and be entered into a Grand Prize Raffle for their age group. Meeting additional milestones will earn entry into additional raffles! Attend any of our in-person or virtual events to earn an Activity Badge. For information on these events and more, please see our full summer event schedule.
The Summer Reading Game is an initiative of the City of Menlo Park with additional financial support from Friends of the Menlo Park Library. Check out the Summer Reading webpage to learn more and download the mobile app.