Get paid to replace your lawn!
Published on August 15, 2022
The “Lawn Be Gone!” rebate program is available for Menlo Park residents. By transforming your water-intensive lawn into a water-efficient landscape, you can receive a rebate of $2 per square foot, up to $5,000 per household. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to eligible applicants.
Join the trend of replacing traditional lawns with stylish landscaping. Water-efficient landscaping conserves water, is easy to maintain, and provides long-term benefits to the environment. For tips and inspiration, check out the Water Wise Gardening Tool.
Must be eligible. Conditions apply. A minimum of 200 square feet of lawn must be converted. Artificial turf is not eligible for the “Lawn Be Gone!” program.
Application steps:
- Review eligibility requirements and conditions from BAWSCA
- Create an account and apply online
- Design your lawn conversion plan with BAWSCA approved plant list (Resource: Landscape classes)
- Schedule a pre-conversion inspection and receive a Notice to Proceed
- Complete and submit your project through the online portal
For more information, check out BAWSCA’s website.