HCD requests additional analysis/evaluation in city housing element
Published on April 12, 2023
Menlo Park, Calif. — On April 7, the City received a letter from the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD)(PDF, 246KB) acknowledging the City’s adopted Housing Element addresses many statutory requirements, but requesting additional changes. Among the topics in the letter are requests for more analysis of housing needs, resources and constraints; more information to support the inclusion of sites in the inventory; and further evaluation of governmental constraints on housing development in the city.
"The City of Menlo Park will work to address the requested revisions and ensure our Housing Element is comprehensive and effective in meeting the current and future housing needs of our community," said Mayor Jen Wolosin.
For nearly two years beginning in 2021, the City of Menlo Park undertook an extensive process of planning, public engagement, and coordination with community members, stakeholders, city decision makers, and other governmental agencies to develop the 2023-2031 Housing Element of the city’s General Plan.
The Housing Element was developed to meet the city’s assigned regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) of 2,946 net new housing units across all income levels over an eight-year period and to create a foundation for city policies related to housing. In an effort to exceed the State’s requirements, the Housing Element included a wide range of housing-related programs and incorporated 30% more net new units than required to provide ample opportunities for new housing development throughout the community in City Council Districts 2 through 5.
The City Council adopted the Housing Element Jan. 31, 2023, and submitted it to HCD Feb. 8, 2023, for its review and certification. Based on HCD’s response dated April 7, 2023, the City is committed to addressing the requested revisions and will continue to provide updates at menlopark.gov/HousingElement.
Contact: Assistant Community Development Director Deanna Chow