Fall water saving guide and tips

Published on October 23, 2023


As the weather begins to cool down, Menlo Park Municipal Water asks that its customers reduce their outdoor water usage. Lawn irrigation accounts for a large majority of the average household’s water usage. During summer months, grass requires significantly more water than other seasons because high temperatures cause water to evaporate quickly. The water needs of all plants, especially grass, drop dramatically in the fall as the temperature outside begins to drop. Below are four important outdoor water conservation tips to consider this fall.

  1. Adjust your irrigation
    In the fall, lawn needs 75% less water than it does in the summertime. It is important to adjust your sprinkler system accordingly during this time. Menlo Park Municipal Water customers can purchase a Rachio Smart Controller system at a discounted price of $100 + tax (up to $279.99 retail value) which allows users to tailor their watering schedules, make automatic weather adjustments and manage watering from anywhere with their smartphones.
  2. Check for leaks 
    It is important to be aware of your home’s water usage and monitor it for any spikes. An unexpected increase in water usage on your utility bill is usually an indicator that a pipe or sprinkler system is leaking at your residence.
  3. Use a car wash to wash your vehicles
    Most commercial car washes use 60 percent less water to wash a car than if the average homeowner were to do it themselves at home.
  4. Consider replacing your lawn with drought tolerant plants
    The best way to reduce water use outdoors is to replace your grass lawn with native drought tolerant plants. California native plants are adapted to California’s seasonal weather patterns and are able to become dormant when rain is unavailable and flourish during rainy season. Menlo Park Municipal Water customers can receive $3 per square foot of lawn converted to drought tolerant plants to supplement the cost of the project.

Learn more at the City's Lawn Be Gone program webpage