Proposed revisions to the Housing Element

Published on October 02, 2023

Modern apartment building exterior

A housing element, one part of a community's general plan, is a plan to guide the way each city, town or county is planned and managed. In January, the City adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element and is in the process of addressing requested changes from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). On October 10, the City Council will conduct a meeting to review draft revisions to the Housing Element before it is resubmitted to the HCD.

Upcoming meetings

Please join upcoming meetings to learn more about the Housing Element and zoning strategies planned to implement the Housing Element:

City Council meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 6 p.m.
Topic: Proposed revisions to the Housing Element

Planning Commission meeting
Monday, Oct 23 at 7 p.m.
Topic: Proposed zoning changes to implement the Housing Element

Join the meetings in City Council Chambers (751 Laurel Street) or on Zoom.

Please visit the Housing Element Update webpage for more information and ways to provide feedback.