Going electric just got easier in Menlo Park

Published on December 11, 2023

EV charging port in garage

On Nov. 7, the City Council adopted ordinances to facilitate electrification of existing buildings by allowing heat pump water heaters, EV chargers and other electric equipment to encroach into the required clear parking space within garages and carports for existing residential dwellings. Residents can now submit building permit applications to locate heat pump water heaters, EV chargers and other electric equipment utilizing these allowances. The ordinance amendments also permit encroachments within the required side or rear setbacks for electric equipment for existing dwellings.

These changes support the City’s Climate Action Plan goal to electrify 95 percent of existing buildings to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Building permit applications can be submitted online. Please contact Matt Pruter at mapruter@menlopark.gov with any questions about these allowances for electric equipment and the Planning Division review process.