City to remove temporary posts on Newbridge Street

Published on February 07, 2022


By late February/early March, the City expects to remove the existing temporary posts on Newbridge Street that have been in place since June 2020. At that time, temporary posts were installed at several key locations in the Belle Haven neighborhood as part of a trial phase for the Belle Haven Traffic Calming Plan. The posts were intended to provide additional pedestrian safety while slowing down turning vehicles and be replaced by permanent curb extensions if well received by neighborhood residents.

Through a neighborhood wide survey conducted in June 2021, a majority of the respondents opposed the continuation of these posts on Newbridge Street for two primary reasons:

  • They obstruct bicycles traveling on Newbridge Street
  • They are frequently hit by turning vehicles while providing minimum pedestrian benefits

Based on this feedback, the City Council directed staff to remove all temporary posts on Newbridge Street.

For more information, please visit the Belle Haven Traffic Calming Plan project page or contact Senior Transportation Engineer Kevin Chen.