Middle Avenue buffered bike lane pilot has begun

Published on July 15, 2023

Middlefield Avenue with bike lane striping improvements

The City is pleased to announce that the first phase of the Middle Avenue buffered bike lanes pilot, approved by the City Council Feb. 14, is complete. The City's signing and striping on-call contractor installed no parking signs and updated striping on Middle Avenue between University Drive and Olive Street last week.

Installation of the bike lanes between El Camino Real and University Drive will begin in the next few weeks, with this part of the work completed by contractors to Stanford University as part of their conditions of approval for the Middle Plaza development. Their work will include striping and converting the parking in front of Nealon Park to parallel parking. After full installation, staff will collect data for about nine months and conduct project-specific outreach meetings and a survey in fall 2023. Final findings will be presented to the City's Complete Streets Commission and City Council to determine the next steps. During the pilot, staff will also complete the design of the traffic calming improvements included in the project.

For additional project information and city staff contact information, please visit the project webpage.

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