Middle Avenue Complete Streets

Pedestrian crosses Middle Ave at Blake Street and people scooter, bike, and drive along Middle

Project Description

The Middle Avenue Complete Streets project will install bicycle and pedestrian improvements along the entire length of Middle Avenue between El Camino Real and Olive Street. The project is being designed to enhance safety of all users, especially pedestrians and bicyclists, reduce vehicle speed and improve connectivity to schools, parks, grocery stores, downtown and residential neighborhoods.

On October 18, 2022, the City Council approved the conceptual traffic calming measures (concept exhibit) and construction is expected to commence in summer 2025, pending conclusion of the pilot.

On February 14, 2023, the City Council approved the installation of buffered bike lanes as a pilot project. In October 2023, the buffered bike lanes were implemented by: 1) removing parking on both sides of Middle Avenue, and 2) reconfiguring the Nealon Park frontage parking to parallel parking spaces.

On May 7, 2024, the City Council adopted a resolution to make the buffered bike lanes permanent and supported the reconfiguration of Nealon Park frontage parking to back-in angle parking spaces (parking design) and continuation as a pilot.

Project status

Nealon Park frontage parking reconfiguration

See construction news below.

Traffic calming measures and street resurfacing

The City has hired a professional design consultant to develop designs for the permanent project. Construction is tentatively planned for after the conclusion of the buffered bicycle lanes pilot and in coordination with resurfacing of portions of the street (from San Mateo Drive to El Camino Real), in summer 2025.

Middle Avenue and El Camino Real signal improvement evaluation

Evaluation of various signal improvements for the Middle Avenue approach (e.g., bicycle signal, no right turns on red, separate pedestrian and vehicular phases, etc.) is underway. The results and recommendations will be presented to the City's advisory/ decision making bodies.

On December 11, 2024, the Complete Streets Commission provided feedback on the preliminary signal improvement alternatives (e.g., bicycle signal, no right turns on red, separate pedestrian and vehicular phases, etc.) and conceptual geometric improvements to enhance intersection safety.

Construction News

Nealon Park parking reconfiguration

To increase parking availability and address public feedback, the City completed parking reconfigurations in November 2024 at the following locations: 

  • Nealon Park parking lot: To add NINE more parking spaces (from 27 to 36 spaces), parking was reconfigured from existing diagonal spaces in front of the Pickleball courts and softball field to perpendicular spaces. 
  • Nealon Park frontage parking (PILOT): To add TWELVE more parking spaces (from 17 to 29 spaces), parking was reconfigured from existing parallel spaces to back-in angle parking spaces.

What is back-in angle parking?

While back-in angle parking is new to the City of Menlo Park, it's not new in the Bay Area. 

With back-in angle parking, loading and unloading, especially for families with children accessing the playground and Menlo-Atherton Cooperative Nursery School, is improved. The trunk of the vehicle is adjacent to the sidewalk adjacent to Nealon Park and there would be no interference with car doors, as they would open away from the roadway and bike lane. The back-in angle parking also enhances the safety of bicyclists, as it provides drivers with greater visibility as they exit onto Middle Avenue.


Parking instructions:

  1. Signal right turn to warn others.
  2. Pull past the desire space and stops.
  3. Reverse into the parking space.

More sample projects?

YES! Visit Stanford Ave. between Junipero Serra Blvd. and Raimundo Wy.

Youtube instructional videos: video 1 | video 2



Project background

The project will include construction of continuous bicycle lanes, parking safety improvements along Nealon Park frontage, enhancements to existing pedestrian crossings, and installation of other traffic calming elements that reduce vehicle speeds and conflicts.

Stanford University will be responsible for the design and construction of the segment between El Camino Real and University Avenue as a part of a required mitigation measure for its Middle Plaza at 500 El Camino Real project. The City is coordinating with Stanford University to ensure the development of a consistent vision for the entire corridor.

The project includes an outreach program to capture input from the community and stakeholders. Staff provided a project summary video that covers the outreach for the project, City Council actions to date and options for the bikeway installation.

This project is being coordinated with the Middle Avenue rail crossing project.

Project history

Date Description  Action taken
Dec 11, 2024

Complete Streets Commission meeting

The Complete Streets Commission provided feedback on the Middle Avenue and El Camino Real (State Route 82) intersection signal and conceptual geometric improvements.
May 7, 2024

City Council meeting

The City Council adopted a resolution to make the buffered bike lanes permanent and supported the reconfiguration of Nealon Park frontage parking to back-in angle parking spaces and continuation as a pilot.
April 24, 2024

Park and Recreation Commission meeting

Meeting canceled due to lack of quorum.
April 10, 2024

Complete Streets Commission meeting

The Complete Streets Commission recommended to City Council to proceed with staff's recommendations on the buffered bike lane pilot, and provided additional feedback on key concerns.

Mar 28, 2024

Buffered bike lane pilot - community meeting #2

Community provided feedback on the buffered bicycle lanes pilot.
Mar 19, 2024

Buffered bike lane pilot - community meeting #1

Community provided feedback on the buffered bicycle lanes pilot.
Nov 8, 2023

 Complete Streets Commission meeting

The Complete Streets Commission provided feedback on the buffered bicycle lanes pilot evaluation methodology.
Feb 14, 2023

 City Council meeting 

The City Council approved installation of no parking zones on both sides of Middle Avenue to implement buffered bicycle lanes as a pilot.
Oct 18, 2022

City Council meeting

The City Council approved installation of an all-way stop at Middle Avenue and San Mateo Drive and temporary closure of Blake Street at Middle Avenue and directed staff to return with options for bikeway implementation.
Sep 13, 2022

City Council meeting


The City Council directed staff to return with details and prerequisites to implement and evaluate a bike lane pilot project by removing parking on both sides of Middle Avenue.

Aug 23, 2022

City Council meeting

The City Council received an informational item on project background, outreach effort, conceptual design options and commission recommendation.

July 13, 2022

Complete Streets Commission meeting

The Complete Streets Commission received and provided recommendations on conceptual design options.
May 11, 2022

 Complete Streets Commission meeting

Complete Streets Commission provided feedback on how to select the preferred improvement options.
Mar 3, 2022

Community meeting

Community provided feedback on the project.
Mar 9, 2021 City Council discussed yearly work plan and priorities, including various projects on Middle Avenue City Council directed staff to add Middle Avenue traffic calming project as a complete street project.
Nov 17, 2020 Transportation Master Plan proposed bicycle facility: El Camino Real to Olive Street - Class II bicycle lanes City Council adopted the Transportation Master Plan.
Oct 13, 2020 Speed limit survey: El Camino Real to University Drive - reduced from 30 to 25 mph; University Drive to Olive Street - remained 30 mph City Council directed staff to return with options for traffic calming on Middle Avenue to achieve a 25 mph zone.
May 21, 2020 Complete Streets Commission presented yearly work plan, including a high-level Middle Avenue and Olive Street bicycle improvement project scope City Council approved work plan with modifications.
Apr 10, 2019 Street resurfacing from San Mateo Drive to Olive Street; Developed alternatives for bicycle lanes Complete Streets Commission recommended a preferred alternative to City Council.
Oct 10, 2017 500 El Camino development: Responsible for bicycle facility design/implementation from El Camino Real to University Drive (Mitigation Measure TRA-2.1) City Council approved the development project also known as Middle Plaza.
Nov 29, 2016 General Plan proposed bicycle facilities: El Camino Real to University Drive - Class II bicycle lanes; University Drive to Olive Street - Class III bicycle routes City Council adopted General Plan - circulation element.

Contact us

For more information, please email transportation@menloparkgov.


Middle Avenue between El Camino Real and Olive Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025  View map

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