Construction update on the Middle Avenue buffered bike lane pilot
Published on September 25, 2023
The City is pleased to announce that the last remaining segment of the Middle Avenue buffered bike lanes pilot, from El Camino Real to University Drive, will begin construction in early October.
Through this effort, the City will convert the existing perpendicular parking spaces in front of Nealon Park to parallel parking spaces. Outside of the Nealon Park frontage parking area, no parking zones on both sides of Middle Avenue will be established using signage. Parking enforcement will begin after the installation.
During the pilot, staff will be completing the design of the traffic calming improvements included in the project. After the completion of the pilot, staff will gather input via project-specific outreach meetings in the fall of 2023 and continue to collect data over the next nine months or so. Final findings will be reviewed by the Complete Streets Commission and City Council for a recommendation on next steps.
For additional project information and City staff contact information, please visit the project webpage.