January 23, 2024 - City Council public hearing

No longer on display. Expired on June 30, 2024, 05:00 PM

A public hearing has been scheduled before the City Council of the City of Menlo Park, California to review and consider, pursuant to MPCC Section 16.86.025, of the Planning Commission’s recommendation on the following item:

General Plan Amendments/City of Menlo Park Housing Element Update Project:

The City of Menlo Park is proposing to adopt amendments to the 2023-2031 Housing Element of the General Plan (“Housing Element”), originally adopted Jan. 31, 2023. Since the original adoption date, the Housing Element was revised to address comments from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) including changes in the following topic areas: racial/ethnic areas of concentration of affluence (“RCAAs”), disproportionate housing needs including displacement, contributing factors to fair housing issues, progress in meeting the regional housing needs allocation (“RHNA”), development of small and large sites, suitability of nonvacant sites, city-owned sites, federally-owned and school sites, environmental constraints, the electronic sites inventory, zoning for a variety of housing types (emergency shelters), land use controls, density bonuses, fees and exactions, local processing and permit procedures, constraints on housing for persons with disabilities, shortfall of adequate sites, actions, programs, metrics, milestones and specific quantified objectives. The Housing Element was most recently submitted for HCD review Nov. 3, 2023, following a seven-day public review period. HCD provided a letter of conditional certification Dec. 20, 2023, indicating that the proposed Housing Element amendments addressed HCD’s requests, and the proposed amended Housing Element was posted for public review beginning Jan. 2.

The proposed amendments are consistent with the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (“SEIR”) and an addendum prepared for the Housing Element; Safety Element Update; and a new Environmental Justice Element for the City’s General Plan; and associated General Plan, El Camino Real/Downtown Specific Plan (“Specific Plan”), Zoning Ordinance, and zoning map amendments. None of the circumstances requiring a supplemental EIR or subsequent EIR exist (California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines §15162). The City Council adopted Resolution No. 6808 and certified the SEIR Jan. 31, 2023. 

The Housing Element is one of the state-mandated elements of a general plan. Based on the requirements of HCD, the City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element (for the eight-year planning period from 2023 to 2031) identifies housing sites for at least 2,946 units at specified levels of affordability (income limits/groups based on AMI, adjusted annually by HCD) plus a buffer of additional units at appropriate densities. This assignment is referred to as the RHNA. The City adopted General Plan and Specific Plan amendments Nov. 28, 2023, and Zoning Ordinance and zoning map amendments Dec. 5, 2023 to accommodate the new units on the Housing Element inventory sites and in associated zoning districts.

Si usted necesita más información sobre este proyecto, por favor llame al 650-330-6702, y pregunte por un asistente que hable español.

Visit the City’s website at menlopark.gov/agendas for the City Council meeting agenda and links to the public meeting staff report.