March 25, 2024 - Planning Commission public hearing

No longer on display. Expired on September 30, 2024, 07:00 PM

The below items will be heard by the Planning Commission under hearing procedures conforming to Government Code §54953(e). The agenda will be published a minimum of 72 hours before the Planning Commission meeting and will provide a more detailed description of hearing procedures.

Public Hearing items

Use Permit/Rucha Shah/108 Blackburn Avenue

Request for a use permit to remodel and add a new second-story to an existing nonconforming single-story, single-family residence located on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The proposed work would exceed 50 percent of the replacement value of the existing nonconforming structure over a 12-month period. The proposed project would also exceed 50 percent of the existing floor area and therefore is considered equivalent to a new structure.

Use Permit/Linder Jones/919 Arnold Way

Request for a use permit to partially demolish, remodel, and add a second story addition to an existing nonconforming single-story, single-family residence on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The proposed work would exceed 50 percent of the replacement value of the existing nonconforming structure in a 12-month period. The applicant is also requesting a use permit to allow an existing six-foot tall wall to be maintained within the front setback, approximately 14.8 feet from the property line, which would exceed the maximum four foot height limit for walls, fences, and hedges within the required front setback. The proposal includes the addition of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), which is a permitted use and not subject to discretionary review.

Development Agreement Annual Review/Stanford University/500 El Camino Real (Middle Plaza at 500 El Camino Real Project)

Review of the property owner’s good faith compliance with the terms of the Development Agreement for the period of May 2022 to March 2024 for the Middle Plaza at 500 El Camino Real project.

Development Agreement Annual Review/Cyrus Sanandaji/1300 El Camino Real and 550 Oak Grove Avenue

Review of the property owner’s good faith compliance with the terms of the Development Agreement for the period of October 2021 to March 2024 for the 1300 El Camino Real project.

Visit the city website for Planning Commission agenda, public hearing and staff report information: