No longer on display. Expired on
December 31, 2024, 07:00 PM
The below items will be heard by the Planning Commission under hearing procedures conforming to Government Code §54953(e). The agenda will be published a minimum of 72 hours before the Planning Commission meeting and will provide a more detailed description of hearing procedures.
Public Hearing item
Use Permit and Architectural Control/Phillip King/1399 Willow Rd.:
Request for a use permit and architectural control to demolish an existing fueling/service station and construct a new fueling/service station, including a convenience store and car wash in the C-2-S (Neighborhood Commercial, Special) zoning district. As part of a separate entitlement, the Hamilton Avenue right-of-way would be realigned. The proposed fueling/service station would be reviewed for compliance with the lot configuration after the Hamilton Avenue realignment. The project includes a request for a use permit to allow 24-hour operations of the fueling pumps and convenience store, and a use permit for the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption (Type 20 Alcoholic Beverage Control License) with concurrent retailing of motor vehicle fuel.
Visit the city website for Planning Commission agenda, public hearing and staff report information: