No longer on display. Expired on
December 31, 2024, 07:00 PM
The below items will be heard by the Planning Commission under hearing procedures conforming to Government Code §54953(e). The agenda will be published a minimum of 72 hours before the Planning Commission meeting and will provide a more detailed description of hearing procedures.
Public Hearing items
Use Permit/Hong Wei/595 Hobart St.:
Request for a use permit to demolish an existing single-story, single-family residence and construct a new two-story, single-family residence with a basement on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-S (Single Family Suburban Residential) zoning district. The proposal also includes a detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and associated heritage tree removals which are permitted and not subject to discretionary review.
Use Permit/Robert Harrison/805 Evergreen St.:
Request for a use permit to demolish an existing two-story, single-family residence and detached accessory structure and construct a new two-story, single-family residence with a basement on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-S (Single Family Suburban Residential) zoning district.
Use Permit/Lea Redmond and Samantha Hamlin/1925 Menalto Ave.
Request for a use permit to change the use of a tenant suite from a salon to a restaurant within an existing commercial building in the C-MU (Neighborhood Mixed Use) zoning district. The subject property is substandard with regard to the minimum parking requirement in the C-MU zoning district and requires a use permit for a change of use. The proposed project also includes a use permit request for a Type 41 license from the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) for onsite alcohol service (beer and wine only) associated with a full-service restaurant, and a use permit for outdoor seating in the rear of the property and to allow the outdoor consumption of beer and wine within the outdoor seating. As part of the review, the Planning Commission will need to determine whether the on-sale of alcohol at this location serves a public convenience or necessity, in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).
Public Meeting items
Artwork Lighting Review/Christopher Baxter/2 Meta Way:
Review of the lighting design of the façade-mounted artwork associated with the existing citizenM hotel located on the Meta West Campus in the O (Office) zoning district. The artwork is located on the northwest elevation of the building, facing Chilco Street, adjacent to an exterior red staircase, and the lighting would consist of two fixtures, directly above and beneath the artwork, to avoid light spillover. Per condition 15.2.1 of the conditional development permit for the site, Planning Commission review is required for the lighting specifications for the artwork.
Use Architectural Control/Daniel Cunningham/2882-2884 Sand Hill Rd.:
Request for architectural control for modifications to an existing office campus including hardscaping and landscaping modifications and the addition of two outdoor shade structures and exterior office building modifications in the C-1-C (Administrative, Professional and Research District, Restrictive) zoning district. The project includes five development-related heritage tree removals which were reviewed and conditionally approved by the City Arborist.