The below items will be heard by the Planning Commission under hearing procedures conforming to Government Code §54953(e). The agenda will be published a minimum of 72 hours before the Planning Commission meeting and will provide a more detailed description of hearing procedures.
Public Hearing items
Use Permit/James Loftus/651A Coleman Ave.:
Request for a use permit to construct an addition to an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) garage conversion where the proposed addition to the garage conversion would have a reduced interior side setback of approximately three feet, where four feet is required. As part of the creation of the ADU, the existing garage, which is legal nonconforming with regard to setbacks, would be partially demolished and reconstructed in the same general location, as permitted, as part of the garage conversion to an ADU. The proposed project is located in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district.
Use Permit/Gagan Kang/420 Pope St.:
Request for a use permit to demolish an existing single-story, single-family residence and construct a new two-story, single-family residence and detached garage on a substandard lot with regard to lot width in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The project includes an attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU), which is a permitted use that is not subject to discretionary review.
Use Permit/Salar Safaei/2319 Warner Range Ave.:
Request for a use permit to build a retaining wall within the rear setback on a standard lot located within the R-1-S (Single Family Suburban Residential) zoning district. The project would result in more than twelve inches of excavation within the required rear setback, which requires use permit approval.
Use Permit/Karishma Anand/1046 Oakland Ave.:
Request for a use permit to allow first-floor interior modifications and addition of a new second-story on an existing single-story single-family residence on a substandard lot with regard to minimum lot width in the R-1-U (Single Family Urban Residential) zoning district. The proposed addition would exceed 50 percent of the existing floor area which requires a use permit.