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This log does not list all calls for police services.
The Police Daily Log displays police activity by our officers at incidents where a police report was written. The glossary provides commonly used code sections and crime classifications, as well as commonly used abbreviations.
Data regarding traffic stops, calls for service and more are available through our public safety Open Data Portal.
All named suspects and persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
00:23 Mental Evaluation
Case #25-465/2502250002
Officer Hardaway
Campbell Av/Scott Dr, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
07:45 Recovered Stolen Vehicle
Case #25-466/2502250014
Officer Pulido
Bayfront Ex/Marsh Rd, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
08:00 Information
Case #25-467/2502250015
Corporal Fliege
700 Block Gilbert Av, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
11:49 Mental Evaluation
Officer Pulido
Bayfront Ex/Dumbarton Bridge, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
14:12 Petty Theft
Case #25-469/2502250069
CSO Mortimer
600 block Sharon Park Dr, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
15:17 Under Influence of Controlled Substance
Case 25-470/2502250084
Officer Campos
1100 block Merrill St, Menlo Park
Scrivner, Richard DOB 11/29/1985 WMA transient out of San Francisco was arrested and booked into CJ for 11550 HS.
Disposition: Arrest
17:35 Vehicle Collision - Injury
Case #25-471/2502250113
Corporal Fliege
2800 block Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
18:10 Petty Theft
Case #25-472/2502250119
Officer Mera
500 block El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken
22:58 Suspended or Revoked License
Case #25-473/2502250157
Officer Nesson
Willow RD/101, Menlo Park
Ortizortiz, Martin DOB 01/30/1989 HMA out of Redwood City was arrested, cited and released for 14601 PC.
Disposition: Arrest
23:35 Grand Theft
Case #25-474/2502250159
Officer Mera
900 block Florence Ln, Menlo Park
Disposition: Report Taken