

The City Council declared a climate emergency committing to accelerating actions to address climate change at a local level and adopted a 2030 Climate Action Plan with the bold goal to be carbon neutral (zero emissions) by 2030. The Sustainability Division leads and/or supports implementation of the Climate Action Plan within the organization and the community at large. 

Currently, there are six Climate Action Plan strategies:

  1. Electrify 95% of existing buildings
  2. Increasing electric vehicle usage and decreasing gasoline
  3. Expand access to electric vehicle charging for multifamily and commercial properties
  4. Reduce vehicle miles traveled by 25%
  5. Eliminate the use of fossil fuels from municipal(city)operations
  6. Develop a climate adaption plan to protect the community from sea level rise and flooding

The division also supports the Environmental Quality Commission.

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Sustainability Office


Recology San Mateo County

To add, change or for questions about garbage, recycling or composting services




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