201 El Camino Real and 612 Cambridge Ave.
The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing commercial building (201 El Camino Real) and multifamily residential building (612 Cambridge Ave.), and construct a new three-story mixed-use building with two levels of underground parking at 201 El Camino Real and two detached single family townhouses at 612 Cambridge Ave. The mixed-use building would consist of restaurant and retail uses and parking access on the first floor and 12 dwelling units on the second and third floors. Along with the two detached single-family townhouses at 612 Cambridge Ave., a total of 14 dwelling units are proposed for the development.
The proposed development would be at the public benefit bonus level, which involves a discretionary approval that would allow the development to exceed the Base level floor area ratio and residential density on the subject site.
As part of the proposed project, two below market rate dwelling units would be provided on site, with a portion of the BMR units proposed as the public benefit.
A portion of Alto Lane would be abandoned, and the two lots zoned as SP-ECR/D would be merged through a vesting tentative map. The parcels at 201 El Camino Real and 612 Cambridge Ave. would not be merged, but the project would be a coordinated proposal with linked elements, such as access. As part of the project, two heritage trees have been approved for removal.
The overall proposal would be comprised of:
- Buildings: 28,847 square feet
- Retail: 5,876 square feet
- Restaurant: 1,200 square feet
- Residential: 20,929 square feet (14 dwelling units)
- Shared access: 842 square feet
- Parking: 59 spaces
City actions required on proposed project
- Abandonment of Alto Lane
- Architectural control
- Use permit
- Below market rate housing agreement
- Approval of a mitigated negative declaration
- Vesting tentative map/major subdivision
- Heritage tree removal permits
Current status
The City Council has adopted resolutions approving the following proposals:
- October 27, 2020: Adopting the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving a use permit, architectural control, vesting tentative map for a major subdivision, and vacation and abandonment of Alto Lane.
- April 25, 2023: Approving a two-year extension of the vesting tentative map associated with the proposed project, for two additional years, to October 27, 2024.
Related documents
Project plans
Public benefit analysis