Hotel Moxy


FPG Development Group is proposing to demolish an existing non-medical office building and construct a new eight-story, 163-room hotel, approximately 58,000 square feet in size and consisting of three stories of podium parking and five stories of hotel rooms. The ground floor would contain a ground floor lobby space and coffee shop, in addition to podium parking. The fourth floor would contain hotel rooms and a bar and lounge area that would also include an outdoor rooftop garden. The ground floor lobby space and coffee shop, along with the outdoor rooftop garden on the fourth floor, would be publicly accessible.

As part of the proposed project, a below market rate in-lieu fee has been proposed for the site, and the Housing Commission recommended approval on March 3, 2021. Additionally, one heritage tree has been approved for removal due to health and two non-heritage street trees have been approved for removal as well.

The overall proposal would be comprised of:

  • Buildings: 58,014 square feet
  • Hotel rooms: 163 rooms
  • Parking: 124 spaces (119 spaces within the parking podium and five surface parking spaces)

City actions required on proposed project

City staff is evaluating the project proposal. It is anticipated that the following land use entitlements would be applicable to the proposed project:

  • Environmental review (initial study and mitigated negative declaration)
  • Use permit
  • Architectural control
  • Heritage tree removal permits

Current status

During its November 14, 2022, meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed and adopted the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved the requested entitlements for the project. The Planning Commission's actions were not appealed to the City Council.


3723 Haven Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  View map

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