Neighborhood watch

Neighborhood Watch is a community program where residents and businesses can come together and help keep an eye on each other’s property as a way of preventing crime. Starting a Neighborhood Watch group isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Anyone can participate in neighborhood watch and it is a great way for residents to increase natural surveillance on their street. 

As a bonus, all active neighborhood watch members will receive a window decal for their home to let solicitors and strangers know there is an active watch group in the area and the police department will have Neighborhood Watch signs installed on your block.

Follow these three steps:

  1. Contact us at 650-330-6300 to identify your concerns and schedule a date for an informational meeting with your neighbors where they can ask questions and learn about neighborhood watch.
  2. Create a phone tree/email group so members can communicate easily.
  3. Members attend training with one of our dispatchers to learn about 911 and being a good witness.