Streetary outdoor dining area permits

A “Streetary” refers to an outdoor eating area that operates within and uses public parking spaces and/or sidewalks within the public right of way directly adjacent to a restaurant or café or other food service establishment’s street frontage. Streetaries are generally allowed within two areas of the right-of-way: (1) the sidewalk area between the curb and the building or parcel frontage and (2) parking areas, generally the parking spaces between the curb and travel lane, as well as parking stalls in public or private parking lots.

Streetaries are generally permitted in the El Camino Real and Downtown Specific Plan / Downtown Business District area and most other commercially zoned areas for restaurant and dining space uses where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour or less. However, Streetaries are not allowed where bike/pedestrian safety and vehicle travel would be impacted, as well as along El Camino Real because it is a State-controlled roadway and is not under the City’s jurisdiction. Please refer to Chapter 13.30  Streetaries Outdoor Dining Areas to Title 13 of the Menlo Park Municipal Code relating to outdoor dining in the public right-of-way through streetary permits.

Streetary permit applications available online

Streetary permit applications are only accepted via the city’s online permit portal. Please submit all applications and associated documents to the online portal. Once submitted, Staff will process your application and respond to your request as soon as possible.

Payment may be submitted after the application has been reviewed. For questions, please contact the Engineering Division.

To apply online

  1. Register for an account at the city’s online permit portal.
  2. At the home screen under "Public Works" tab, select "Create an Application."
  3. Review the terms and conditions before checking the consent box.
  4. Under "Select a Record Type," expand the "Public Works" tab. Select "Streetary Permit" to start an application.

To view application status

  1. Go to the online permit portal.
  2. Toward the end of the webpage under Public Works, click "Search Application."
  3. Under General Search, find the Record Type section and select "Streetary Permit."

Required items

Required Documents Parklet  Sidewalk               Café
1. Fill out an application online X X
2. Site Plan (scaled - I.e., 1/8” = 1’10” | dimensioned - I.e., 5’0” clearance path) (refer to Site Plan Checklist (PDF, 132KB)in the Streetary Outdoor Dining Design Standards)
3. Parklet Elevation drawing (refer to Streetary Parklet Elevation Checklist)(PDF, 152KB) in the Streetary Outdoor Dining Design Standards) X
4. Identification of Design Components(PDF, 74KB)(refer to Streetary Outdoor Dining Design Standards) X X
5. Photograph of Proposed Design Components (refer to the Design Components checklist linked above) (for new Streetaries, images of proposed design components will work in place of photographs) X X
6. Photograph of proposed Streetary location (showing the front and side views along the business frontage) X X
7. Proof of insurance. The City of Menlo Park’s officials, agents, employees, and contractors must be named as additional insured

8. Submit a traffic control plan (PDF, 33KB) for installation and construction that will block or interfere with vehicle/bike/pedestrian traffic in the public right-of-way. Include pedestrian and bicycle diversion, if applicable. Contact staff for further information

9. Submit the appropriate fees, per the City’s Streetary Fee Structure X

Streetary annual permit renewal

As a condition of the issuance of an annual streetary encroachment permit, Streetary permittees must annually renew their Streetary permit by submitting the following:

  1. Indemnification agreement. A signed indemnification agreement Hold harmless agreement. 
  2. Proof of insurance. Applicants shall submit proof of updated insurance, with the City of Menlo Park’s officials, agents, employees, and contractors named as additional insured.
  3. Annual renewal fees. Annual renewal fees must be paid as described below. 

Streetary outdoor dining design areas and standards 

The Menlo Park City Council approved the Streetary design standards by resolution on Aug. 29, 2023. The Streetary Outdoor Dining Areas design standards provide design guidelines and requirements for Menlo Park businesses to use in the preparation of an application to construct a parklet on a public parking space under City control in any commercial district where outdoor uses are permitted. Before applying, thoroughly review the Streetary design standards.(PDF, 3MB)

Streetary permit fees

The Menlo Park City Council approved the Streetary permit fees by resolution on August 29, 2023, including waiving all fees until Jan. 1, 2025. Starting Jan. 1, 2025, the Streetary permit fees are as follows:

Fee 1st Year                    Annual Renewal    
Streetary permit – parklets (plus sidewalk café where applicable)  $1,725  $250
Streetary permit – sidewalk café (standalone)  $810  $250
Streetary annual encroachment lease fee

 $7.00 per square foot     

 $7.00 per square foot

For the Streetary permit fee, applicants may be subject to a surcharge for a structural review if applicable. The permit renewal fees cover administration.

The total Streetary annual encroachment lease fee would vary based on the actual area proposed in the Streetary application. 

Streetary fee waiver program through January 1, 2025

On Aug. 29, 2023, the Menlo Park City Council approved the waiver of Streetary fees through Jan. 1, 2025.

Per the Streetary Ordinance 13.30.020, existing outdoor dining facilities must apply for a Streetary Encroachment Permit by Dec. 31, 2023, and meet all ordinance and design standard requirements by June 30, 2024.

Fee waivers will continue to apply to new Streetary applications received and approved through Dec. 31, 2024.

For all Streetary applications received by Jan. 1, 2024, annual fees will begin to apply Jan.1, 2025. For Streetary applications received after Jan. 1, 2024, annual fees will begin to apply one-year after the application date.

Initial fees apply to all new Streetary applications received on or after Jan 1, 2025.


Contact us

Engineering Division