Street tree maintenance or planting
Street tree maintenance
City of Menlo Park maintains approximately 19,000 public trees located along sidewalks, parks and city facilities. The City replaces dead, dying, and high risk Street trees with species that are more climate resilient, drought tolerant, and disease and insect pest resistant.
Street trees are planted in the public right of way and may not be removed by residents. Typically, street trees are inspected and pruned on a 5-year rotating schedule based on grid zones. The City has 16 zones, and you may view the interactive public tree grid zone map to see when the next pruning is scheduled.
Every effort is made to complete these zones as scheduled. Residents may submit street tree service requests outside of the 5-year rotating schedule through ACT Menlo Park, the city’s reporting system for maintenance and service requests. Those requests will be reviewed and serviced as determined by the city arborist.
Street tree planting program
Planting trees in urban areas create healthier communities. Trees clean the air, reduce heat, noise, crime and stress for locals. By stewarding a tree on your property, or in front of it, you are helping your entire community to live healthier, more sustainable lives. When we plant trees, we are giving a gift to the environment and to future generations.
Residents may request a tree to be planted in front of their residency through ACT Menlo Park. City staff will visit and evaluate the site before determining whether a street tree could be planted. Tenants or property owners are responsible for water the trees and will receive instructions once the tree is planted.