Transportation policies and plans

Transportation policies and plans guide planning and development of the City's street network.

Transportation Policies

Several policies guide the City in development of the transportation system:

  • The Circulation Element of the City's General Plan (adopted in 2016) provides the overarching goals, policies and programs for the transportation system in Menlo Park.

  • Within downtown Menlo Park, the El Camino Real/Downtown Specific Plan provides a more refined circulation plan(PDF, 4MB) for the Specific Plan area. 

  • Citywide Crosswalk Policy(PDF, 1MB) guides how the City marks crosswalks. Note that any intersection of two streets is a legal crosswalk unless specifically signed otherwise, even if unmarked

  • The Complete Streets Policy(PDF, 48KB)adopted by City Council in 2013, provides a commitment to planning and designing streets for all users. This policy was also incorporated into the General Plan Circulation Element update.

  • The City Council adopted a rail policy(PDF, 33KB) to guide decisions regarding regional rail projects such as the electrification of Caltrain, past Dumbarton corridor studies, and High Speed Rail

Citywide Transportation Plans

The comprehensive Transportation Master Plan identifies goals, priority projects, and an implementation plan for projects. The master plan consolidated previously prepared plans into a central document, including the 2005 comprehensive bicycle development plan and the 2009 sidewalk master plan(PDF, 3MB).

The City's Vision Zero Action Plan identifies policies, programs, and project to advance the City towards the general plan goal of eliminating fatalities and reducing serious injuries in half by 2040.

Other City Transportation Plans and Programs

The City produces other transportation plans to consider improvements to specific streets or transportation modes. The City maintains a list of current transportation projects.  

In 2004, the City adopted the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP)(PDF, 3MB) to manage resident requests for traffic calming and enhanced safety on local streets. This program was put on pause during the pandemic.

Completed City plans include: