August is National Water Quality Month

Published on August 21, 2023

Water faucet running

August is National Water Quality Month and the perfect time to educate ourselves on where our water comes from and how we can preserve it. Educating ourselves and others is the best way to ensure that water continues to be high quality and free of contamination.
Here are some simple steps you can take at home to protect your water quality.

1. Pick up after your pets.
2. Instead of hosing down the driveway, consider using a broom instead.
3. Avoid using fertilizer made with phosphorus.
4. Do not flush expired or unwanted medication down the toilet.
5. Take used oil or antifreeze to a service station or recycling center instead of disposing of it down the drain.
6. Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for plant irrigation.
7. Install a rain garden.

Each year, Menlo Park Municipal Water (MPMW) produces an annual Water Quality Report on water quality conditions for the previous calendar year. The 2022 Water Quality Report contains a summary of Menlo Park’s potable water sampling results. The report also describes where your water comes from, how it compares to drinking water standards set by the state, water rate changes and outlines all of the City’s water conservation rebates and incentives.

Menlo Park Municipal Water wants to remind its customers to continue to conserve water throughout all drought stages so that Menlo Park can remain resilient during future droughts. To help you conserve water at home, Menlo Park Municipal Water offers its customers a multitude of rebates and incentives for water conservation. Visit the Menlo Park Municipal Water website to view the 2022 Water Quality Report.