After meeting 2020 goal, much work remains to reach carbon neutrality

Published on November 01, 2021


The results of Menlo Park’s first ever comprehensive climate action plan progress report are in and as of 2019, Menlo Park successfully reduced its communitywide emissions by 27.5%. The City achieved its 2020 reduction goal one year early.

Though these emissions reductions are very encouraging, there is still a long way to reach carbon neutral (90% reduction) in the next eight years. Menlo Park’s Climate Action Plan scope of work for 2021 focuses on all-electric appliances in existing buildings, expanding access to electric vehicle charging and eliminating fossil fuels from municipal operations. Menlo Park will require an increased commitment to climate action to not only complete its adopted strategies, but also develop long-term, aggressive reductions strategies to achieve this goal.

To learn more about Menlo Park’s climate action plan and progress, visit the city’s Climate Action Plan website.

Even though natural gas sounds clean, it is a fossil fuel (just like oil or gasoline) and its use in buildings accounts for 41.2% of all community emissions. The electricity provided by Peninsula Clean Energy is 100% carbon-free. Peninsula Clean Energy is also working to provide customers with 100% renewable energy for every hour of the day.

The largest contributor to community emissions continues to be gasoline and diesel-powered cars. Learn how to switch to an electric vehicle, including installing charging at your rental property.

Want to stay engaged and updated? Follow Menlo Park’s sustainability and climate action progress by attending the Environmental Quality Commission meetings on every third Wednesday.