Save water for World Nature Conservation Day!

Published on July 20, 2023

Mountains in background with lake and rocks

Friday, July 28, is World Nature Conservation Day, an internationally recognized day observed to celebrate and protect the environment. In honor of World Nature Conservation Day, let’s all do our part to conserve water and live sustainably.

Water is a precious resource that must be used wisely to ensure that our natural supply remains available for future generations. Conserving water also has additional benefits, such as reducing your utility bills and greenhouse gas emissions. Sometimes the best way to save water is by implementing changes to your home, such as an upgraded sprinkler system or replacing your lawn with plants that require less water. Menlo Park Municipal Water (MPMW) customers can get paid to do just that!

Check out all of the conservation rebates and incentives available to MPMW customers:

  • $3 per square foot of lawn converted – Receive $3 per sq. ft. of water-hungry lawn converted to a drought tolerant landscape. 
  • Free landscape analysis ($1,400 value) – supplement your lawn conversion project with an expert’s advise on the project or how to simply improve water efficiency. 
  • Free water-saving fixtures - Contact to receive a free shower head aerator, bathroom sink aerator, kitchen faucet attachments. 
  • Up to $200 for a rain barrel – You can get the full cost reimbursed for purchasing a rain barrel used to collect rainwater for irrigation. 
  • Get $100 + tax for purchasing a Rachio sprinkler system – The Rachio smart sprinkler controller system is designed to simplify irrigation and automate watering. 
  • $5, $10 or $30 to upgrade your irrigation hardware – purchase high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles, pressure regulation spray bodies or large rotors in order to qualify.

To learn more visit the City’s webpage on conservation incentives and rebates.