1350 Adams Court


Tarlton Properties was granted a use permit and architectural control permit to develop a vacant portion of the property located at 1350 Adams Court with a new five-story life science research and development building of up to 260,400 square feet. The final design of the building is 255,602 square feet of life science space. A partially below grade parking structure with 356 parking spaces will be incorporated into the building.

The project site currently contains an existing approximately 188,100 square foot R&D and warehousing building (addressed 1305 O’Brien Drive), and the total proposed gross floor area at the site will be approximately 448,500 square feet with a total proposed floor area ratio of 92% for the project site where 125% is the maximum allowed for research and development uses.

The project includes an increase in height and floor area ratio under the bonus level development allowance in exchange for community amenities. The applicant has submitted payment of a community amenities in-lieu payment to satisfy this requirement.

Current status

The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item, on Monday, September 12, 2022, where the project was approved. The project is currently under construction.

Environmental review

Final environmental impact report

The Final Environmental Impact Report, technical appendices and notice of availability were released Sept. 1, 2022, for a 10-day public review period that closes Sept. 12, 2022. A hard copy is also available for review at the Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St.

Draft environmental impact report

The Draft Environmental Impact Report, technical appendices and notice of availability were released with a 45-day comment period that closed May 23, 2022.

Notice of preparation

The notice of preparation is an initial step to inform members of the public that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is going to be prepared.

The notice of preparation and the scope of the environmental impact report were the subject of a scoping session and study session, held as part of the January 14, 2019, Planning Commission meeting. The following comment letters were received during the comment period:

Initial study

An initial study and notice of preparation were prepared for the project in December 2018, and a 45-day comment period ran from December 10, 2018, to January 24, 2019.

Based on the initial study findings, a focused environmental impact report was prepared for topics that require further analysis, including air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, population and housing, transportation and traffic and utilities.

As a result of the 2017 settlement agreement between the City of Menlo Park and the City of East Palo Alto, housing and transportation were required to be analyzed.

All environmental documents associated with the project are available for review.

Contact us

Chris Turner
Senior Planner




1350 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025  View map

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