3705 Haven Ave.


March Capital Management has submitted an application for a use permit, architectural control, below market rate housing agreement, and state/local density bonuses to comprehensively redevelop the project site. The proposed project is located in the Residential Mixed-Use Bonus (R-MU-B) zoning district, and currently contains an existing one-story approximately 10,355-square-foot commercial building that would be demolished. 

The proposed project would construct a 112-unit multi-family residential apartment building, utilizing the City’s bonus level provisions for increased density, height, and square footage in exchange for community amenities. The proposed project would also use both local and state density bonuses to further increase the density, square footage, height, as well as concessions and waivers from development standards, when on-site below market rate housing units are provided. The City’s R-MU-B zoning ordinance allows up to 66 dwelling units at the bonus level. The proposed project would provide 15 percent of the project’s base density (equal to 10 units) as very-low income units, per City’s BMR Housing Program and Guidelines. The applicant proposes to utilize state density bonus law, including the recently enacted stackable density bonus. Utilizing the eligible bonuses, the applicant is proposing 112 dwelling units (50 percent state density law bonus plus additional stackable bonus with the provision of additional BMR units), including 10 very-low income BMR units and four moderate-income BMR units.  The overall proposal includes:   

  • Total dwelling units: 112 (all for rent) 
  • Below market rate (BMR) units: 10 very-low and 4 moderate-income units
  • Total proposed gross floor area: 118,050 square feet
  • Floor Area Ratio (FAR):  4.10
  • Proposed building height: Approximately, 93 feet (8 stories)
  • Total parking spaces: 99
  • Open space: 10,764 square feet
  • Publicly accessible open space: 4,670 square feet

The following city actions (e.g., agreements, permits, analyses and reviews) would be required for the proposed project:

  • Environmental review
  • Use permit
  • Architectural control
  • Below market rate housing agreement
  • Heritage tree removal permits

Current status

The City released a notice of preparation (NOP) for a focused environmental impact report (EIR) on Dec. 1, 2023. The NOP began the 30-day EIR scoping period to solicit comments on the scope and content of the EIR, including on any topics that were scoped out based on the initial study analysis. The EIR scoping period ran from Dec. 1, 2023 to Jan. 10, 2024. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to determine the scope of the environmental impact report and study session on Dec. 18, 2023.

Environmental review

Notice of preparation

The release of the notice of preparation began a 30-day comment period on the scope and content of the environmental impact report (EIR) to be prepared for the proposed project. The comment period ran from Friday, Dec. 1, 2023, to Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024. The comment period was extended to ensure the public has time to review and provide comments given the scheduled city office closure from Monday, Dec. 25, 2023, through Monday, Jan. 1, 2024.

Project plans

Contact us

Fahteen Khan
Associate Planner



3705 Haven Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  View map

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