Draft environmental impact report
The focused Draft Environmental Impact Report, technical appendices, and notice of availability were released Friday, July 1, 2022, with a 45-day comment period that closed Aug. 15, 2022.
Notice of preparation
A notice of preparation is an initial step to inform members of the public that an environmental impact report is going to be prepared.
The notice of preparation and the scope of the environmental impact report were the subject of the June 3, 2019, Planning Commission scoping session and study session. The following comment letters were received during the notice of preparation comment period:
Initial study
An initial study was prepared to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the project and determine what level of additional environmental review is appropriate. Based on the initial study findings, a focused environmental impact report was prepared for topics that require further analysis: population and housing, transportation, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, cultural resources and tribal cultural resources, biological resources, and utilities and service systems.
As a result of the 2017 settlement agreement between the City of Menlo Park and the City of East Palo Alto, housing and transportation were required to be analyzed.