Water conservation areas in Menlo Park

In an effort to address California’s vulnerability to droughts and to lower the City’s water usage, Menlo Park has converted the lawn of several public areas to drought tolerant landscapes. These selected areas around Menlo Park were converted to demonstrate water saving landscaping, efficient irrigation practices and planting methods. Beneficial ground cover, native decorative succulents, trees and permeable landscapes are some of the drought tolerant plants that were installed.

Residents are encouraged to view these areas around the City to see firsthand how non-functional landscapes can be converted to save thousands of gallons of water. These areas should be viewed as a learning tool to the public and provide a reference point on how to incorporate a drought tolerant garden design into their own gardens. To assist residents with converting their own lawns, the City of Menlo Park offers $3 per square foot of lawn converted to drought tolerant landscape through the Lawn Be Gone program.

Residents are also encouraged to learn about Menlo Park’s other conservation rebates and incentives such as the Rachio smart sprinkler controller rebate, rain barrel rebate, free landscape analysis program and efficient irrigation hardware rebates. 


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